Support Group Meeting Guidelines and Statement of Purpose
“We grieve so deeply, because we love so deeply”
Mission: To provide safe haven of support, hope and comfort for survivors of sibling suicide. You are not alone; we will make this journey of loss and grief together to find a place of peace and healing.
We discuss the stages of the grieving process as they relate to suicide loss - shock and denial, fear and anger, guilt and shame, grief and sadness, and, eventually, acceptance and hope.
We encourage all group members to share openly, honestly, and from the heart. There is healing in talking about our feelings and comfort in knowing that we are not alone in our grief. But no one should feel pressured to participate - there is also healing in listening.
We provide a safe place to share our loss and are free to discuss our anger, fear, guilt, shame, embarrassment, disappointment, sadness, etc. in this meeting without fear of judgment, criticism, or condemnation.
We practice acceptance of others in this group and use healthy boundaries in our discussion.
We ask that you respect the group by speaking one at a time and not interrupting another group member. All group discussions will be kept confidential.
We practice respect for the beliefs and values of others. Spiritual issues may be discussed as long as they do not divide the group or take-up an inappropriate amount of time.
Our format is simple. We start with just introducing ourselves, our loved one and how our week was overall. All of us our at various stages of our grief journey, so share whatever details you are comfortable with.
You may find you feel overwhelmed with emotions while sharing, that is natural. To me this group is a sacred, safe space in which we can share, express, and feel those emotions in whatever way we feel comfortable.
We keep the groups smaller (10 or less) to keep a more intimate setting and allow time for those who choose to share. If there are more than 10 siblings, we break into smaller groups.
Our meetings are held every Wednesday at 6:30pm CST and Suday at 11am CST. We are in the USA, however, we have siblings from all over the world join us. If you are interested in joining us, please email for information and to RSVP. Email:
Peace and Healing,
Noelle (Justin’s Sister)